
1.0 (3 aug 2018)
Status: initializing...

Generative demo songs

machine 0001 | Lo-Fi | download
machine 0002 | Lo-Fi | download
machine 0003 | Lo-Fi | download
machine 0004 | Lo-Fi | download
machine 0005 | Lo-Fi | download
sound check | | download

by Alexander Zolotov (NightRadio), 2018, (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Each track is infinite and sounds differently every time you press PLAY.



SunVox is a powerful modular synthesizer and pattern-based sequencer (tracker).
SunVox Library is the main part of the SunVox engine without a graphical interface. It's available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and JS.
You can freely use it in your own products (even commercial ones). But don't forget to read the license file :)
Using this library, you can do the following: Requirements for the JS-version: modern web browser with WebAssembly support.
Tested in: Safari: OK; Edge: OK; Firefox: OK; Chrome (desktop): OK; Chrome (mobile): very slow on my Android phone :(

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